Welcome to Car Sharing 2.0

Aug 9, 2011 1 min read

Today is extra special at Getaround. It’s the day we reveal to the world our new logo and brand identity, and more importantly, our unique approach to make car sharing simple, empowering

, and sustainable for all.

In the wee hours of the morning, our web team eagerly flipped the switch and replaced our old logo with the new one you now see on our website, Twitter, Facebook and everywhere else.

Way More Than a Logo

With this new change comes a lot of new adventure. Beyond the logo, we’re striving to extend personal freedom by disrupting the way we approach car ownership and car sharing.

The way we plan to do this is by introducing some significant enhancements to the Getaround experience, including awesome feature enhancements for renters and owners, fresh web and email designs, and stellar incentives to welcome you to this new movement and to help you live unidled.

How We Packaged Our Idea

We always knew Getaround was a powerful idea, but the real challenge lay in carefully crafting peer-to-peer car sharing to have the greatest appeal possible.

Thanks to the unanimous decision by the judges at Sustainable Industries, we were awarded the BBMG Collective Prize in February, winning us the opportunity to work with the nationally-recognized branding firm, BBMG.

The prize included a complete upgrade of our image, the telling of our story and the alignment of our values with our vision—a world in which all cars are shared.

Now, after months of commitment and concentration, we have arrived at what you see today.

How do you feel about our new logo? Tweet us @Getaround!