Introducing itemized earnings statements for owners

Sep 26, 2019 2 min read

We've heard your feedback regarding owner earnings statements and we're excited to announce that Getaround vehicle owners will receive itemized earnings statements as part of your monthly earnings report starting today.

The new earnings statements provide detailed breakdowns of trip earnings and reimbursements, as well as pending payments for the next payment cycle. Whether you have a single vehicle listed with Getaround or you manage a fleet, these changes will make it easier for you to confirm and manage your monthly adjustments and payouts.

Check out these changes on your current statement at

While each individual vehicle still has its own Earnings button on the owner dashboard, you'll notice a new Earnings Activity link below your monthly Earnings Overview graph. Click this link to view the new Earnings Activity page for all your vehicles.

The Earnings Activity link can be found below your Earnings Overview graph.

While viewing your new report, all activity since your last statement will be displayed by default. This view shows all pending payments (trips or adjustments) to be paid on your next statement. The Statements tab displays all statements for each vehicle's history. You can also filter the view by vehicle.

Here's what you'll see when you select an individual statement:

Please let us know if you have any questions regarding the new Earnings Report format. As always, thanks for being part of the Getaround carsharing community.

Note: Itemized Earnings will only apply to new statements beginning September 15, 2019.